An Anchor of Hope
We are women who believe that people can change
through relationship and love. Most importantly we believe in the power of Jesus to heal
and make whole. In 2012, BLOC opened the first Weightless Anchor hospitality home in Lower Price
Hill in urban Cincinnati to serve women on the streets who struggle with
addiction and are victims of sex-trafficking by providing for their basic
needs. In the fall of 2015 the second Weightless Anchor Hospitality home was
opened in East Price Hill. In the spring of 2022, we moved to a larger facility on Wells Street. These facilities offer rest, showers, hot
meals, free clothes, and hygiene products, and most importantly, love without a
is behind the name "Weightless Anchor"?
The women we serve are carrying around some unbelievable weight. Weight that would
seem unbearable to many of us. Much of this weight they have been carrying
since they can remember. Our goal through our ministry is to give them a place
that temporarily relieves them of that weight while they are with us.
Eventually we want them to meet Jesus who can take that weight
permanently. They will always carry their anchor. It is part of who they are; but we want to make it weightless until their anchor becomes Jesus.
Weightless Anchor is an intervention and daily support environment, which serves as a referral and "feeder" program to our long-term recovery, job training, and mental health program - Redeemed Home. When women enter this program, the fully-staffed support homes provide long-term structure including job training and employment through our BLOC Industries, including our Redeemed Letter Press. Everything they need is accessible.
How You Can Support Weightless Anchor
For any further inquiries please contact: Jordyn White: jordyn.white@onebloc.org or 843-676-5203.