Redeemed Home
Since 2016, BLOC women’s ministry founded transitional homes called Redeemed
Home with two locations serving up to 10 women. This is an individualized, long-term intervention program designed
to serve women survivors of trafficking, prostitution and addiction. A critical element is the referral and daily intervention process alongside our sister "entry" program Weightless Anchor where women encounter their first line of support and build healthy, trusting relationships.
Our goal is to create a supportive environment that leads to self-sufficiency, independence, faith and freedom.
To create safe spaces that is a foundation for life-changing relationships that lead children into dependence on Jesus.
What We Offer
1-2-year residential long-term program (up to 4 women)
Housing, addiction/medical referrals, therapy, lifestyle education and job training will be provided without charging women or receiving government funding
Graduates of the program will have the money, resources and skills necessary to begin a new independent life
There is a full-time staff person on site at each location to provide the women support through their journey
Women receive skills and job training through one of our social enterprises called BLOC Industries where they receive mentoring and one-on-one skills-building & training to become employable with our area business partners.
To apply to become a resident of Redeemed Home, click here.