We are a daytime hospitality home, located in East Price Hill, that serves women stuck in the cycle of survival sex, substance abuse, and homelessness.
We offer free laundry, showers, hot meals, new clothes, hygiene items, and most importantly love without a price. You would sign up for a 3 hour shift to work each week. During this
time you will assist in keeping track of laundry, making food, cleaning, having conversations with women, helping them pick out clothes and most importantly building relationships
with them. This is not for the faint of heart. Some days are heavy and heartbreaking while others are hilarious and fun. You will hear things you never imagined and see people at
their absolute worst. And the most beautiful part is that we get to love them through it.
We are open Monday through Friday from 1pm to 4pm. Let us know if you are interested and available during those times to help out. If you would be available, we will have you come in to shadow to get to know more information
about our ministry. If you want to help, but aren't free during those times, let us know as we have many needs that don't always require being at the house during open hours!
If you plan to attend our Volunteer Info Session or would like more information about it, please note it in the comments section.
*We only allow women into the house, including volunteers.