Raizza Rentas

Raizza Rentas

Immigrant Welcome Center Ministry Director

Raizza, a proud Puerto Rican, embarked on a journey that took her from the vibrant shores of her homeland to the heartland of Ohio. Alongside her husband Victor, they transplanted their lives to Ohio in 2011, embracing the opportunities presented in the corporate world, with Victor at P&G and Raizza at Accenture.

Their family quickly expanded with the arrival of three remarkable daughters: Isabela, Victoria, and Ana, who continue to inspire them daily. Raizza identifies as a Christ follower, wife, and mother. She's a lover of people, art, food, dancing, and exploring new cultures through travel.

Their faith journey took an unexpected turn when Victor followed a divine calling to leave his corporate job and serve at Crossroads Church. Through prayer and obedience, they found themselves at the precipice of a new chapter. Raizza, with a heart attuned to God's calling, transitioned from a fulfilling career at Accenture to answering the call of ministry.
Now, Raizza stands poised to embark on a new adventure as the Ministry Director of the Immigrant Welcome Center (IWC) at BLOC. In this role, she will be instrumental in shaping the vision and execution of initiatives aimed at embracing and empowering immigrant communities.

Raizza's journey is a testament to faith, obedience, and a deep-seated commitment to serving others. With her at the helm, the Immigrant Welcome Center is poised to become a beacon of hope and a symbol of God's love in action within the immigrant community.



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