Devin Dunn

Devin Dunn

Director of Marketing

When I was 18 years old, Jesus Christ radically interrupted my life. I was born and raised Catholic to devout parents, but despite their best efforts, I hid from Christ. I hid from Him and ran to the world with open arms trusting that the promises of sin would sustain me. But, like many, I found that the more that I pursued what the world claimed would fulfill me, the more I was left empty. 

While studying Communication Studies at Colorado State University, I encountered a missionary named Calvin who was on fire for love of Christ, and I encountered the Gospel in a way that pierced my stony heart. Calvin shared with me that I was made for a relationship with God, but through sin, that relationship was broken. He then shared the glorious news that Jesus Christ took the portion owed to me in dying on the cross, and that I had an opportunity every day to respond to that awe-inspiring sacrifice.  

As I fell deeper into love with Christ, sharing the same Gospel message that had been shared with me became a burning desire in my heart. This led me to work as a missionary with FOCUS, The Fellowship of Catholic University Students, for two years. I served at the University of Iowa spreading the Gospel, living out authentic friendship, helping students to develop divine intimacy with our Lord, and finally inspiring and equipping students to evangelize their peers.  
My time as a missionary taught me first-hand the death that is found through sin, and the weight of spiritual poverty. As a missionary, our Lord developed key skills within me that allow me to share his Gospel through a number of mediums and methods. I am beyond joyful to be working with BLOC and to have the opportunity to connect our ministry within Price Hill with the greater Cincinnati community.  

When I discerned a career with BLOC, I also discerned living entirely off of the prayer and financial support of a generous mission team. Your support of my mission will allow me to work diligently to share the mission of BLOC with the world, to identify and develop new strategies to connect our programs with crucial support, and to endeavor to help build a brand that makes us unique and recognizable.

"When the perishable puts on the imperishable, and the mortal puts on immortality, then shall come to pass the saying that is written: 'Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is thy victory? O death, where is thy sting?'” - 1 Corinthians 15: 54-55

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